The Ten Things Security Guards Do Every Day

 On-the-job training is a significant part of being a security guard. We expect security guards to remain calm in any situation. Security guards in Sydney must be able to assess the scenario and keep eye on the surrounding. They are more vigilant and concentrated than a normal person. 

The Ten Things Security Guards in Sydney Do Every Day

1. Security guards in Sydney are responsible for the well being and security of the apartments and their occupants.

2. They patrol the premises, looking for the smell of criminal activity.

3. Patrol guards monitor security cameras and alarm systems.

4. They perform regular security checks, such as checking hallways and doors, to ensure they are secure.

5. Security personnel provide customer service, such as providing directions or assisting disabled persons.

6. Patrol guards respond to emergencies, such as fires, medical emergencies, or incidents of violence.

7. These security providers write incident reports detailing any security breaches or unusual incidents during their shifts.

8. They may provide testimony in court if necessary.

9. Security guards in Sydney maintain order during events, such as concerts or sporting events.

10. Security guards provide a sense of relaxation and comfort to the public.

What a Security Guard's Day Looks Lik

The security guards in Sydney, have a hectic and tough daily routine. Their days will be filled with various tasks and responsibilities. Below is a sample of what you expect to do on a typical day:

  1. Patrol the premises: You will need to regularly patrol the property to ensure that all is well and that there are no signs of trouble.

  2. Check for safety hazards: part of your job is to identify and mitigate any potential safety hazards on the property.

  3. Respond to alarms: If any alarms are triggered, you will need to investigate and take appropriate action.

  4. Monitor CCTV: You will likely be responsible for monitoring the property's CCTV system and keeping an eye out for anything unusual.

  5. Write reports: Part of your job will be documenting any incidents or suspicious activity in written reports.

  6. Handle customer inquiries: You may be required to assist customers or answer questions about the property's policies and procedures.

  7. Enforce rules and regulations: It will be your responsibility to ensure that all visitors and tenants adhere to the rules and regulations of the property.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Security Guard

There are both advantages and disadvantages to being a security guard. Some pros include having a stable job with good pay, opportunities for advancement, and the ability to help people in need. Some cons include long hours, dealing with difficult people, and potential danger.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being a security guard:


Security guards have an essential job to do. They must protect and safeguard the property. This can be a rewarding career, but even here success does not come easily.


-Long hours: 

Security guards often work long hours, especially night shifts. This is challenging for the loved ones of a security guard. 

-Dealing with difficult people: 

Not everyone will be happy to see a security guard. Some people may be angry or aggressive, which can be stressful for them.

What Makes for a Great Security Guard?

A great security guard is always on the lookout for potential threats and knows how to handle them quickly and efficiently. They are also constantly aware of their surroundings and can identify potential risks.


  1. Welcome to ICorp Security - Our mission is to provide and develop Melbourne's highest-performing security services. Keep close track of our personnel, valued clients, and expert services to see how we can bring you the best and most comfortable experience, to protect you, your clientele, and your assets.


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